Asteroid 3811

Could Asteroid 3811 be our Karmic space-rock? Discovered October 13th 1953, by finish astronomer Liisi Oterma, this comet is called Karma. Following comets is an exciting hobby and much easier done now-days compared to the times when Liisi Oterma did her work. She discovered over 300 celestial bodies, such as minor comets and planets. She had to spend long nights in freezing temperatures to observe the skies. Knowing that back in the day there was no heating in the observatory room, makes her work heroic. Originally Liisi wanted to study Sanskrit language, but became instead the first woman in Finland with PhD on science and astronomy. She also spoke eleven languages.

"The nearest planet with beings who might be interested in communicating with us, would be located within distance of 300 light years (...) if our neighbour civilizations have developed e. g. a few hundred years further than us, they have probably sent us messages. We only need to listen." 

Karmic creation

Asteroids are effecting our astral maps just as bigger planetary bodies do, or at least some astrologers believe so. I would agree, because i think that every larger space rock is an active ingredient to the global astral family. The Solar system planets are our giant gods, who's effect we feel strongest. But over 15 000 space rocks orbiting around our system have their own play. Named after godesses, places or even beer, their discovering and mapping is an ongoing project. How could they have meaningful effect on us, if we are still discovering them? I would say, everything has its meaning, weather or not discovered yet. Because everything exists and non exists simultaneously i believe.

"Synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect that is meaningful to the observer."
- Carl Jung

Reminds me of vivid dream i had many years back at day when i was in Berlin 1998. I dreamed of falling black cube over Berlin. Soon after this dream, i left to Finland, where i resided until 2009. Now living back in Berlin, i feel that perhaps those events would still to take place. For me asteroids are messengers. And what is the difference between comets and asteroids? Well, comets are icier and asteroids are mainly made or metal and rock. At least this is what the official scientist tell us. This different kinds of messengers could be more complicated than we ever thought.

"We often dream about people from whom we receive a letter by the next post. 
I have ascertained on several occasions that at the moment when the dream occurred the letter was already lying in the post-office of the addressee." 
- Carl Jung about synchronicity

Karma burns

Karma Dazu rock in China

There isn't much written about astrology significations of Asteroid 3811, but here i found some interesting theories. If karma is an action, then how can this rock formation present this action? Or is the placement of the Asteroid 3811 on our astro-map, locating what kind of actions we need to take? If our past karma is personal thing, than how can one asteroid carry this past effect? Perhaps the placement points area of life where we should work on, depending on house and planetary aspects.  Here is another source about possible relations of Karma 3811 to our astrological map. I find all this very intriguing and plan to deepen my research on the subject. My Karma rock is located in Aquarius and squares both Mars and Pluto. Seems like heavy metal karma to me. Now tell me, do you believe in Karma?

Asteroids are the giver and takers of life

No one can deny the importance of asteroids and somehow their fatalism. Researching about them, i mainly came across asteroid catastrophe myths and prophecies. I would like to associate them not only with doomed theories or big floods, but see their impacts activating positive changes. We can see them in the role of space prophetas, but more about that in another blog to follow.

More links related to Asteroid 3811 and others:


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